
What Is Dating And What Is Relationship

As adults, things have to be sorted out and the need to know the path to tread upon arises as there has to be a proper understanding of the kind of accquintances we indulge, the level it has grown, to what extent it can take you and to what extent or at what level it would be allowed to bring changes in lifestyle and activities.

A lot of people confuse dating with relationship and end up getting things all mixed up which leads to difficulty in assessment and making real decisions with a clear head but, don’t get it twisted, dating is a wonderful thing and relationship can be beautiful.

Dating: dating is a stage of accquintance between two opposite sex if is a situation where two opposite sex meet socially with the aim of assessing the suitability of one another. Know therefore that there are many differences between dating and relationship. The reason for dating is to find someone you would want to be in a relationship with. Dating means your are out there going on dates with lots of people you find attractive and spending only few minutes to know them better beyond attraction.

Dating is an intention to find someone to have a good relationship with, it does not involve exclusivity therefore it has no guarantee; the difference between hooking up/having fun/hanging out and dating is intention. When you get hooked up or just have fun or just hang out, you really have no intention of dating that person. More often than not so serious may not turn to dating. Dating is a friendship kind of thing with the opposite sex you find attractive and wish to know more about them. It involves engaging in a number of mutual activities such as seeing a movie together, going out for lunch or dinner, attending seminar or conferences together or, simply taking a walk together here, both of you are not so sure of your feelings for one another hence, no commitment yet. You are neither her boyfriend nor is she your girlfriend and he is neither your boyfriend nor are you his girlfriend. Painfully, the person you go on a date with yesterday may go on a date with another person but you should not raise an eyebrow because there is not yet a commitment. In mathematical terms, dating is a subset and relationship is the universal set.

As an adult you need to be specific do not assume that dating someone may turn outrightly into a committed or exclusive relationship so if you’re not sure or feel foggy about what you are doing with someone, it’s always best to have that awkward sincere discussion with them you have to be bold to discuss things over and ask the person you are dating the questions you want to ask in order to gain assurance it doesn’t matter how long you have known each other, it doesn’t matter how often you get to see each other, do not ever assume that you are in a relationship, you must be matured enough to discuss about the whole thing. Mind you, these questions should not come too early in the dating…. you’ve got to give it time and ask at the right time, in the right place at the right setting and in the right mood.

Hanging out is a medium by which you get to know some persons and go out with them in order to know them beyond surface attraction to gradually choose from the few, based on stronger interest in order to accomplish the dating intention. The intention of dating is to know find someone to be in a good relationship with.

Relationship: relationship means exclusivity. It means being exclusive with a person in everything, a situation where you are exclusive with that one person you have decided to date with a clear head. It is a condition where you go out with only that one person whom you have the right to call your boyfriend or girlfriend, where you have sex with only that person, where you are expected to be frank and honest and sincere with that person, where you discuss more about details of the families of both persons, where you discuss past events, where you feel and know that you owe each other a level of trust and where you begin to take offense when the other person shares what is supposed to be kept between both of you with other persons. You are in a relationship when the both of you have agreed to it. Do not assume that having sex with a guy automatically or outrightly puts you in a relationship with him and do not assume that having sex with a girl gives you automatic transmission to being in a relationship with her, you both must come to an agreement. The idea of casual relationship does not exist here in this condition so when there is a smooth transition it becomes a courtship in which you refer to yourselves as future life partners.

Characteristics Of Dating

1. When you like someone and you’re trying to get to know them better.

2. When you spend time with a person you hopefully want a relationship with.

3. When you see that you somehow entertain the idea of settling down with that person.

Characteristics Of Not Dating

1. When you seem not to be in the mental state to date or you do not have feelings to share and have already made it known to the person whom you date/hook up with that you do not want a relationship.

2. Most times, it’s usually not more than twice some times it’s more but there’s no real plans to grow the dating idea and intention.

Similarities Of Dating And Relationship

1) Both can be romantic but, the degree of commitment differs in fact, with some, sex is often involved at both stages.

2) Both involve going out together and doing some things in common. Sometimes when you are in an unsatisfied relationship with someone you may go on other dates.

3) Both involve friendship with the opposite sex and not same sex dating.

4) There is attraction and administration between the persons involved.

5) Both can transit that is, dating could transit to relationship and relationship could transit to courtship and sadly, there may not be any transition but an end of the whole thing.

Differences Between Dating And Relationship

1) Relationship means going out or being with one person learning their characters, likes and dislikes, love languages, lifestyle, body languages, etc but in dating, there is no clear understanding/clue of the other person.

2) In dating you still keep some friends of pleasure but in relationship, it is just you and your boyfriend/girlfriend.

3) Relationship requires deeper commitment than it does require in dating.

4) In a relationship, the guy has the freedom to call the girl his girlfriend and the girl has the right to call the guy her boyfriend. In dating, the best you can call each other is just friends.

5) Relationship requires you to see the other person as someone whom you would love to be in a long- term relationship with. She talks about marriage, having a family, and so on and the guy finally agrees to it. Dating has got none of these because it is still bound by admiration.

6) There’s a lot of packaging and pretence while dating but it’s not easy to cover up when you are already in a relationship.

I hope with this article you will be able to understand the differences between dating and relationship henc find the person with whom you really connect with.


By Karen Emmanuel

I am Karen Emmanuel based in Africa with many passions and interest in food, fashion, beauty and helping people. The lifestyle blog was birthed when I decided to explore on my interest in making people know how important it is to have self awareness that is geared towards becoming better persons thereby experiencing upgrade in most aspect of their lives which leads to a boost in self confidence. I enjoy being around deep thinkers and also connecting with people at the right time, at the right place and for the right purpose. To my friends, stay tuned and be inspired.

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